
Brandon Tsang

Senior Product Manager

Vehicle telematics is a crucial aspect of car subscription businesses. With the rise of shared mobility and car subscription services, vehicle monitoring has become increasingly important for ensuring safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on vehicle monitoring for car subscription businesses.

What is a Telematics Device?

Telematics devices are electronic modules that are installed in vehicles to collect and transmit data, typically for two primary purposes:

Vehicle Telemetry

Vehicle telemetry is used to gather information about the vehicle, such as speed, acceleration, braking, and fuel consumption to create a profile for driver behaviour.

In the context of car subscription businesses, telematics devices can provide valuable data about the performance of the vehicles in the fleet, as well as insights into driver behaviour and customer usage patterns.

This data can be used to optimise vehicle maintenance, improve operational efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, optimise insurance premiums and implement usage based billing.

Vehicle Location

The other primary purpose of vehicle telematics is to maintain a live location of the assigned vehicle for security purposes. They can also alert the company if the device has been tampered with or disconnected.

This is especially useful in the event of a major breach or repossession, however it is important to acknowledge that this is sensitive and private information that should be closely controlled.

Types of Telematics Devices

OBD Devices

OBD devices are plug-and-play devices that connect to a vehicle's OBD-II (On-board diagnostics) port, which is located beneath the dashboard of most cars manufactured since 1996.

These devices are typically easy to install with very little training, and can easily be removed or installed into another vehicle which is why they are recommended for car subscription operations.

The easy installation does however mean they are easily tampered with or removed, or even accidentally disconnected.

Hardwired Devices

Hardwired telematics devices are installed directly and discretely into a vehicle's electrical system. These devices are usually more complex and require professional installation, but they offer greater functionality, more detailed data than OBD devices, and greater security.

This makes them ideal as backup devices or for particularly high value vehicles in the event of an incident.

Native Integrations

Native integrations are telematics devices that are integrated directly into a vehicle's onboard computer system from factory.

These devices are typically only available on newer vehicles that have built-in connectivity features, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Native integrations can provide a wide range of data, including vehicle speed, location, and fuel consumption.

The Role of Vehicle Telematics in Usage Billing

Vehicle telematics can help with usage billing for a car subscription business by providing accurate data on the usage of each vehicle. With telematics devices installed in the vehicles, the business can track how long each vehicle has been rented, the distance traveled, and the routes taken. This data can then be used to calculate the usage fees for each customer.

With vehicle telematics, usage billing becomes much more accurate and efficient. The data is collected automatically, so there's no need for manual tracking or input. This helps to ensure that customers are billed accurately for their usage, and also helps to reduce the risk of disputes or errors.

Furthermore, telematics devices can also provide real-time data on the location of the vehicles, which can be used to enforce usage policies and prevent misuse. For example, if a customer exceeds the mileage limit for their subscription, the telematics device can alert the business to this fact, and the appropriate fees can be charged.

Overall, vehicle telematics can help car subscription businesses to improve their billing processes and ensure that customers are charged accurately for their usage. By providing real-time data on vehicle usage, telematics devices can help to reduce errors and disputes, while also providing valuable insights into the behaviour of customers and the performance of the vehicles.

How to Implement Vehicle Monitoring

Choose the Right Technology

The first step in implementing vehicle monitoring is to choose the right technology for your business. There are many different types of telematics devices and software platforms available, so it's important to do your research and select a solution that meets your specific needs. Consider factors such as the size of your fleet, the types of data you want to collect, and your budget when making your decision.

Train Employees

Once you have chosen your technology, it's important to train your employees on how to use it effectively. This includes training on how to install and maintain the devices, as well as how to interpret and analyse the data. Make sure that all employees who will be involved in the monitoring process are properly trained and understand the importance of the data they are collecting.

Set up Monitoring Protocols

Before you start monitoring your vehicles, it's important to establish clear monitoring protocols. This includes deciding what data points to monitor, how often to collect data, and who will be responsible for analysing the data. Make sure that your monitoring protocols are clear and consistent, and that all employees are on the same page.

Monitor and Analyse Data

Once your monitoring system is in place, it's important to regularly monitor and analyse the data. This includes reviewing data on a regular basis to identify any potential maintenance issues or safety concerns, as well as looking for patterns in customer behaviour that can be used to optimise the rental experience. Make sure that you have a clear system in place for analysing the data and taking action based on the insights you gain.

Implementing vehicle monitoring can be a complex process, but it can provide valuable benefits to car subscription businesses. By choosing the right technology, training employees, setting up monitoring protocols, and regularly monitoring and analysing data, businesses can gain valuable insights into the performance of their vehicles and the behaviour of their customers. This information can be used to improve safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, ultimately helping the business to succeed in a highly competitive market.

About the Author

Brandon is an enthusiastic professional who has a passion for technology and its potential to change how we solve problems that faces people, businesses, communities and the world. With experience in brand management, consulting, change management and product management across large multi-national companies, Brandon excels at partnering with teams and executives to deliver outcomes driven by insights from end user feedback and data.

Brandon Tsang

Senior Product Manager
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