
Richard Sands

Head Of Engineering

The automotive industry has seen a significant shift in recent years, with consumers increasingly opting for car subscription services over traditional ownership or leasing models.

This trend has generated an influx of sensitive customer data, making data security a top priority for organizations operating in this space.

User access management (UAM) is a critical component of data security, enabling organizations to control access to their car subscription management technology and protect sensitive customer data from both external and internal threats.

The Importance of User Access Management in Car Subscription Management Technology

Implementing UAM in car subscription management technology offers numerous benefits:

Data Privacy and Protection

UAM ensures that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive customer data, such as financial information, driving patterns, personal preferences and even live location data.

By restricting access based on user roles and responsibilities, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of data breaches and protect customer privacy.

Prevention of Unauthorized Access

UAM systems help prevent unauthorized access by requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) and implementing strong password policies.

These measures reduce the likelihood of account takeovers, phishing attacks, and other forms of unauthorized access, which can have severe consequences for customer data and the organization's reputation.

Security Awareness and Organizational Culture

Implementing UAM in car subscription management technology fosters a security-conscious organizational culture.

Employees become more aware of the importance of data protection, leading to increased vigilance and adherence to security best practices.

UAM Best Practices for Car Subscription Management Technology

Role-based Access Control (RBAC)

RBAC is a widely adopted UAM approach that assigns users specific roles and privileges based on their job responsibilities. Organizations should define clear roles with corresponding access levels and ensure users only have access to the data and functionalities necessary for their tasks.

Regular Access Audits

Organizations should conduct regular access audits to identify potential security risks, such as unauthorized access, excessive permissions, or inactive user accounts. Promptly addressing these issues helps maintain data security and ensures compliance with industry regulations.

Training and Awareness Programs

It is crucial to educate employees on the importance of data security and best practices for protecting sensitive customer information. Regular training sessions and awareness programs can help reinforce the significance of UAM and promote a security-conscious work environment.

Case Study: Controlling Access to Live Vehicle Location Data

Vehicle telematics data is a highly valuable tool for any car subscription service provider to ensure the security of their vehicle fleet, and enable enhanced customer experience opportunities such as usage-based billing, app-based vehicle entry, and more.

However it is also a highly sensitive piece of information that, if misused, could lead to significant privacy concerns and potential security risks for customers. As such, organizations must have strict protocols in place to dictate how and when this information can be accessed.

In this section, we will outline an example of an internal protocol designed to ensure secure access to live vehicle location data within a car subscription service company.

Protocol Overview

The primary objective of this internal protocol is to restrict access to live vehicle location data to authorized personnel only and establish clear guidelines for accessing, processing, and managing this information. By adhering to this protocol, the organization can mitigate the risks associated with unauthorized access to sensitive data and maintain customer trust.

Access Control

Access to live vehicle location data should be strictly controlled using Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Roles should be defined based on job responsibilities, with only relevant personnel granted access to this data, such as customer service representatives, fleet management staff, or emergency response teams.

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

All users with access to live vehicle location data must use MFA to ensure secure authentication. MFA requires users to provide multiple forms of verification (e.g., password, fingerprint, or one-time code) before gaining access, reducing the likelihood of unauthorized access.

Data Access Justification and Time Restriction

Users should be required to provide a valid reason for accessing live vehicle location data, which should be logged for future audits. Access should be time-limited, with users granted access to the data only for the necessary duration to complete their tasks.

Logging and Monitoring

All access to live vehicle location data should be logged, including user details, the date and time of access, the purpose of access, and the duration of access. This information should be regularly monitored and reviewed to detect potential unauthorized access or other security concerns.

Data Encryption

Live vehicle location data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest, ensuring that the data is protected from unauthorized access or interception during transmission and storage.

Employee Training

Employees with access to live vehicle location data should undergo regular training on data security, privacy regulations, and the organization's internal protocols. This training will help reinforce the importance of data protection and ensure compliance with the established guidelines.

Regular Audits and Compliance

The organization should conduct regular audits of live vehicle location data access, ensuring that employees adhere to the internal protocol and comply with relevant regulations. These audits will help identify potential security risks, non-compliant behavior, and areas for improvement in the protocol.

By implementing this internal protocol for accessing live vehicle location data securely, car subscription service companies can effectively control access to sensitive customer information and minimize the risk of unauthorized access, privacy breaches, and security threats.


As the car subscription market continues to grow, organizations must prioritize data security to protect their customers and maintain their reputation.

User access management plays a critical role in safeguarding sensitive customer data by controlling access to car subscription management technology.

By implementing UAM best practices, organizations can create a secure environment, mitigate the risk of data breaches, and foster a culture that values data privacy and protection.

About the Author

Richard is a passionate technology leader with over 15 years experience in software engineering including scoping, architecture, coding and launching new products to market. During his tenue with CarsGuide, a leading Australian car classifieds portal, Richard was instrumental in launching the AutoTrader brand in Australia with a ground up platform build whilst hiring, onboarding and mentoring the team.

Richard Sands

Head Of Engineering
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