
Jeremy Gupta


It is essential for both incumbents and disruptors to understand and optimize key performance indicators (KPIs) that can indicate the health of their businesses. One such KPI that has proven invaluable for service-based industries is the Net Promoter Score (NPS). In this article, we will explain the function of NPS and how it serves as a critical health metric for car subscription providers.

What is Net Promoter Score (NPS)?

Net Promoter Score is a customer satisfaction and loyalty metric that measures the likelihood of a customer recommending a company, product, or service to others. Customers are asked to rate their likelihood of recommending the service on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being "not likely at all" and 10 being "extremely likely." Based on their scores, customers are categorized into three groups:

  1. Promoters (9-10): Loyal and enthusiastic customers who are likely to recommend the service and generate positive word-of-mouth marketing.
  2. Passives (7-8): Satisfied but indifferent customers who may be susceptible to competitive offerings.
  3. Detractors (0-6): Unhappy customers who may discourage others from using the service.

The NPS is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, with scores ranging from -100 (all Detractors) to +100 (all Promoters).

Why is NPS Important for Car Subscription Providers?

Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

An NPS serves as a straightforward metric to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction, both of which are essential for long-term success in the car subscription industry. A high NPS indicates that a significant proportion of customers are Promoters, which suggests that the provider is meeting or exceeding customer expectations.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Promoters, as identified by a high NPS, are more likely to recommend the service to their friends, family, and colleagues, generating organic growth through word-of-mouth marketing. As acquiring new customers can be expensive, leveraging satisfied customers as brand ambassadors is a cost-effective way to grow a subscriber base.

Benchmarking and Continuous Improvement

NPS provides an easy-to-understand benchmark for car subscription providers to measure their performance against competitors and track improvements over time. By analyzing NPS alongside customer feedback, providers can identify areas for improvement and implement changes that will enhance customer satisfaction and drive loyalty.

Reducing Churn and Increasing Customer Lifetime Value

A high NPS suggests a lower likelihood of customer churn, as satisfied customers are more likely to remain subscribed to the service. By focusing on improving NPS, car subscription providers can reduce churn rates, increase customer lifetime value (CLV), and ultimately, boost profitability.

Attracting Investors and Partners

A strong NPS can also serve as a persuasive metric for potential investors and partners, showcasing the company's ability to satisfy and retain customers. In turn, this can lead to increased investment, strategic partnerships, and new growth opportunities.

Measuring Your Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Survey Design

Create a simple survey that includes the core NPS question: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our car subscription service to a friend or colleague?" Optionally, you can also include follow-up questions to gather more qualitative feedback and insights into the reasons behind the ratings.

Survey Distribution

Distribute the survey to your customers through various channels, such as email, in-app notifications, or SMS. Ensure that the survey is easily accessible and does not require excessive effort from the customer to complete.

Response Collection

Collect and compile the responses, categorizing customers as Promoters, Passives, or Detractors based on their ratings.

Calculate NPS

Calculate the NPS by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The resulting score will range from -100 to +100.

Analyze and Act

Analyze the results and any additional feedback provided by customers. Identify areas for improvement and implement changes to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Monitor the impact of these changes on your NPS over time.

Frequency of NPS Surveys

The frequency of conducting NPS surveys in a car subscription business can vary depending on factors such as customer lifecycle, business size, and available resources. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. Quarterly or Biannually: Conducting NPS surveys quarterly or biannually is a common approach for many businesses, as it provides a regular snapshot of customer satisfaction and loyalty, while allowing sufficient time to implement improvements based on feedback.
  2. After Key Milestones or Interactions: You may choose to conduct NPS surveys after significant customer interactions or milestones, such as after a subscription renewal, major service updates, or a customer support interaction. This can help assess the impact of these events on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  3. Rolling Surveys: In larger car subscription businesses or when resources allow, you might opt for rolling surveys, where a smaller subset of customers is surveyed each month or week. This approach provides a continuous stream of data and allows for more timely analysis and action.

Ultimately, the frequency of NPS surveys should strike a balance between gathering valuable insights and avoiding survey fatigue among customers. Regularly monitoring and acting on NPS results can help car subscription providers improve customer satisfaction, loyalty, and overall business performance.

About the Author

Jeremy began as the CTO with Loopit before taking on the COO role, where he has been responsible for supporting enterprise clients and global expansion.

Jeremy Gupta

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Fair Wear and Tear Policy
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Car Subscription Website
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