
Swati Sharma

Finance Manager

Understand expense management in car subscription businesses, focusing on categorising and tracking expenses, and implementing strategies for analysing, controlling, and optimising costs to boost profitability and foster sustainable growth.

In the competitive landscape of car subscription businesses, effective expense management is a critical factor for financial success. Automotive incumbents and disruptors need to closely monitor and control expenses to optimise operations, improve profitability, and ensure sustainable growth. In this guide, we will delve deeper into the key aspects of expense management, including categorising and tracking expenses, as well as strategies for analysing, controlling, and optimising costs.

Categorizing and Tracking Expenses

Car subscription businesses incur various expenses, which can be divided into several primary categories:

Vehicle-related expenses

  • Depreciation: The loss in value of vehicles over time as they age and accumulate mileage.
  • Maintenance and Repairs: Regular servicing, wear and tear repairs, and unexpected breakdown costs.
  • Insurance: Premiums for comprehensive and liability coverage to protect the fleet and the business.
  • Registration and Licensing: Fees associated with registering and licensing vehicles for use on public roads.
  • Provisioning: Fees associated with preparing the vehicle before each subscription.

Understanding these expenses on a per-vehicle basis is crucial to assist in making decisions on fleet profitability across the various makes and models on offer.

Operational expenses

  • Salaries and Wages: Compensation for employees, including wages, benefits, and all on costs.
  • Rent and Utilities: Costs associated with leasing office and storage space, as well as electricity, water, and other utilities.
  • Office Supplies and Equipment: Expenses for office consumables, furniture, and equipment needed for daily operations.
  • Professional Services: Fees for legal, accounting, and consulting services.

Marketing and customer acquisition expenses

  • Advertising: Costs for online and offline ad campaigns, including search engine marketing, social media, print, and outdoor advertising.
  • Public Relations: Expenses related to media outreach, press releases, and managing the company's public image.
  • Promotional Events: Costs associated with hosting or participating in trade shows, conferences, and other events to promote the business and attract new customers.
  • Customer Acquisition: Costs related to acquiring new subscribers, such as referral incentives, discounts, and promotional offers.

Technology and software expenses

  • Subscription Management Platforms: Software solutions for managing the entire subscription lifecycle, including billing, customer support, and reporting.
  • Accounting Software: Tools for recording financial transactions, generating financial statements, and managing budgets.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems: Software for managing interactions with current and potential customers, including tracking leads, sales, and support requests.
  • Other Technology Solutions: Expenses for specialized tools and software needed for specific business functions, such as fleet management, telematics, or cybersecurity.

Analysing and Controlling Expenses

With expenses categorised and tracked, businesses can implement strategies to analyze, control, and optimize costs. Here are some advanced practices for expense management:


Conduct in-depth comparisons of your business's expenses with industry standards, competitors, or historical data to identify areas of overspending, underinvesting, or potential improvement.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Perform a detailed evaluation of the return on investment (ROI) for each expense category and individual expenditure to prioritize spending and allocate resources efficiently.

Cost Reduction Strategies

Implement targeted cost-cutting measures without compromising service quality or customer experience. Examples include:

  • Renegotiating contracts with suppliers for better terms or volume discounts.
  • Adopting preventive maintenance schedules to reduce repair costs and vehicle downtime.
  • Implementing energy-efficient practices to lower utility bills.
  • Exploring remote work options to reduce office space requirements.

Expense Forecasting

Develop accurate and data-driven expense forecasts to inform budgeting decisions, anticipate future financial needs, and allocate resources strategically. Consider factors such as market trends, seasonal fluctuations, and planned business expansions when creating forecasts.

Regular Performance Reviews

Conduct periodic reviews of expense performance against budget targets and forecasts to identify variances, evaluate the effectiveness of cost-saving initiatives, and take corrective action as needed. This may involve adjusting budgets, reallocating resources, or implementing new cost reduction measures.

Employee Training and Engagement

Foster a culture of cost-consciousness within your organisation by providing training and resources to help employees understand the importance of expense management and their role in supporting financial goals. Encourage employees to suggest cost-saving ideas and recognise their contributions to expense management efforts.

Process Optimization

Continuously evaluate and refine business processes to eliminate inefficiencies, reduce waste, and streamline operations. Consider implementing Lean methodologies, automating repetitive tasks, and adopting digital solutions to improve productivity and lower costs.

Financial Controls and Auditing

Establish robust financial controls to prevent fraud, errors, and misappropriation of funds. Implement a system of checks and balances, segregate financial duties, and conduct regular internal and external audits to ensure compliance and maintain financial integrity.


Mastering expense management is vital for the long-term success of car subscription businesses. By categorising and tracking expenses, analysing costs, and implementing advanced strategies to control and optimise spending, automotive incumbents and disruptors can streamline their operations, increase profitability, and foster sustainable growth.

About the Author

Swati is a chartered accountant with experience in commercial business partnering in Tech, Insurance and Health with a firm footing in strategy, modelling and reporting. Beginning her career with KPMG, Swati has extensive experience in global finance and analysis.

Swati Sharma

Finance Manager
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Payment Management & Arrears
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Technology Standards
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Regulatory Environment
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Profitability Analysis
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Performance Metrics
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Operational Requirements
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Defleet Management
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Technology Partners
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What is Car Subscription?
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Back-End Operations
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Digital Customer Experience
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Captives & Incumbents
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Subscription Models
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Subscription Agreement
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Fair Wear and Tear Policy
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Incident Management
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Scaling Your Business
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Vehicle Profitability
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Subscription Metrics
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Bookkeeping & Accounting
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Breaches and Repossessions
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Accounts Receivables
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Customer Assessment
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Vehicle Collection and Handover
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Vehicle Monitoring
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Vehicle Management
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Application and Pre-Approval
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Car Subscription Website
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Car Subscription Plans
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Customer Acquisition
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Marketing Strategy
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Payment Guidelines
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Identification Guidelines
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Car Subscription Business Models
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Key Personnel Roles
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Defining the Business Structure
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Subscription vs Ownership
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The Future of Automotive Retail
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Arrears Management
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Breaches & Repossessions
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