
George Skentzos

Head of Marketing & CX

As consumer behavior adapts to the rapid pace of modern life and the influence of technology, it is becoming evident that the perception of flexibility often holds more weight than actual flexibility in the minds of customers. As car subscription services continue to gain traction, understanding this subtle yet powerful distinction is essential for automotive professionals seeking to optimize their offerings and deliver value to their customer base.

One of the key insights that can be uncovered by analyzing the variance between average subscription duration and minimum subscription duration lies in the relationship between the perception of flexibility and the actual behavior of subscribers. This metric serves as a window into the preferences and satisfaction levels of customers, revealing the extent to which they value flexibility and the factors that influence their subscription decisions.

By understanding the nuances of this relationship, car subscription businesses can tailor their services and customer retention strategies to better align with customer expectations, ultimately fostering greater loyalty and driving long-term success in the competitive car subscription market.

The Importance of Average Subscription Duration

Understanding the average subscription duration is crucial for car subscription businesses for several reasons:

Customer Satisfaction

A longer average subscription duration indicates higher customer satisfaction, as subscribers are more likely to continue using the service if they perceive value in the offering.

Customer Loyalty

A longer average subscription duration also reflects increased customer loyalty, which can result in lower churn rates, higher lifetime value, and increased profitability.

Revenue Predictability

By monitoring the average subscription duration, businesses can better forecast future revenue streams and make informed decisions about resource allocation and strategic planning.

Calculating Average Subscription Duration

To calculate the average subscription duration, car subscription businesses should divide the sum of subscription durations for all subscribers by the total number of subscribers. This metric should be tracked and evaluated over time to identify trends and patterns that may inform improvements to the service offering or customer experience.

However, it is essential to consider the potential impact of new subscribers on the metric. New subscribers can skew the average subscription duration downwards, particularly if there is a significant influx of customers within a short period. This phenomenon may not necessarily reflect poor customer satisfaction or retention but rather the natural fluctuation in subscriber numbers. To manage and account for this potential distortion in average subscription duration, automotive professionals can employ the following strategies:

Use Cohort Analysis

Instead of calculating the average subscription duration for all subscribers, consider analyzing cohorts of subscribers based on the time they joined the service. This approach allows for a more granular view of the subscription duration patterns and can help identify trends within specific groups of customers. By comparing different cohorts, businesses can better understand the impact of various factors, such as marketing campaigns or service improvements, on subscription duration.

Monitor Median Subscription Duration

In addition to the average subscription duration, track the median subscription duration, which represents the middle value when durations are arranged in ascending order. The median is less sensitive to outliers, such as a large number of new subscribers, and can provide a more accurate representation of the typical subscription duration within the customer base.

Track Churn Rate

Churn rate, the percentage of customers who discontinue their subscription within a given period, is another valuable metric to monitor alongside average subscription duration. A high churn rate may indicate dissatisfaction or a lack of perceived value, which could contribute to the downward skew of average subscription duration. By addressing the factors that lead to customer churn, businesses can improve overall satisfaction and retention, thereby increasing average subscription duration.

Examine Time-Weighted Subscription Duration

To further account for the impact of new subscribers, consider calculating time-weighted subscription duration. This method involves assigning a weight to each subscription duration based on the length of time the subscriber has been with the service. Time-weighted subscription duration gives more importance to longer-term subscribers, reducing the influence of new customers on the overall metric.

Variance Between Minimum Subscription Duration

When calculating average subscription duration, it is important to consider the relationship between this metric and the minimum subscription duration required by the customer's chosen plan. The minimum subscription duration represents the shortest possible commitment a customer can make to the service, while the average subscription duration reflects the actual duration that customers typically maintain their subscriptions. Analyzing this relationship can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, satisfaction, and preferences, which can inform business strategies and improvements.

Customer Satisfaction and Retention

Comparing the average subscription duration to the minimum subscription duration can offer insights into customer satisfaction and retention. If the average duration is significantly longer than the minimum, it indicates that customers are generally satisfied with the service and choose to remain subscribed beyond the required commitment period. Conversely, if the average duration is closer to the minimum, it suggests that customers may not perceive enough value in the service to continue their subscriptions beyond the minimum required duration.

Plan Structure and Pricing

The relationship between average and minimum subscription durations can also provide insights into the effectiveness of the plan structure and pricing. If a large proportion of customers are only subscribing for the minimum duration, it may indicate that the available plans do not adequately cater to customer needs or preferences. Automotive professionals can use this insight to reevaluate and adjust their plan offerings, introducing more flexible options or better-aligned pricing structures that encourage longer subscription durations.

Target Audience Segmentation

Understanding the correlation between average and minimum subscription durations can help businesses identify and segment their target audience more effectively. If certain customer segments consistently demonstrate longer average subscription durations, businesses can tailor their marketing and customer retention strategies to better target and serve these segments. This targeted approach can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately, revenue growth.

Seasonal or Promotional Effects

Examining the relationship between average and minimum subscription durations can also reveal the impact of seasonal trends or promotional campaigns on customer behavior. For instance, if the average subscription duration increases during specific periods or following certain promotions, it may suggest that customers respond positively to these incentives. Businesses can use this information to optimize their marketing efforts and capitalize on opportunities to boost subscription duration and customer loyalty.

The Value of Perceived Flexibility

Understanding the importance of perceived flexibility for customers is crucial in the car subscription industry, as it can significantly impact customer behavior and satisfaction. When analyzing the relationship between average subscription duration and minimum subscription duration, it becomes apparent that perceived flexibility plays a vital role in the choices customers make.

For example, customers may opt for a higher-priced plan with a shorter minimum subscription duration, valuing the perceived flexibility it offers. However, their actual average subscription duration may not differ significantly from customers who choose lower-priced plans with longer minimum durations. This phenomenon highlights that the perception of flexibility, rather than actual flexibility, can strongly influence customer decisions.

The insights gained from this analysis can help car subscription businesses tailor their offerings and marketing strategies to emphasize perceived flexibility, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and retention:

Optimize Plan Offerings

Businesses can use this information to create plan structures that emphasize flexibility, offering a range of options with varying minimum durations and pricing tiers. By providing customers with the choice and perceived control over their subscription, companies can cater to the preference for flexibility and attract a broader customer base.

Strategic Marketing

Understanding the importance of perceived flexibility allows businesses to develop marketing campaigns that highlight the flexible nature of their subscription plans. By emphasizing the benefits of shorter minimum subscription durations and the ease of changing plans, companies can appeal to customers who value flexibility in their automotive solutions.

Customer Retention Initiatives

Car subscription businesses can also implement targeted customer retention initiatives that emphasize flexibility. For instance, offering incentives or promotions for customers who choose to extend their subscription or upgrade their plan can further reinforce the perception of flexibility and encourage customers to maintain their subscriptions.

Personalized Customer Experience

By recognizing the importance of perceived flexibility, businesses can focus on delivering a personalized customer experience that caters to individual preferences and needs. This approach can include offering tailored vehicle options, flexible payment plans, and responsive customer support, all of which contribute to the perception of flexibility and enhance customer satisfaction.


Tracking the average subscription duration is a vital KPI for car subscription businesses, as it provides insights into customer satisfaction, loyalty, and revenue predictability. By monitoring this metric and implementing strategies to increase subscription durations, automotive professionals can optimize their car subscription offerings and drive long-term success in this rapidly growing market.

About the Author

George is one of the founding team members for Loopit, having successfully launched the original car subscription model for HelloCars which went on to become the basis for the Loopit platform as we know it today. George is no stranger to automotive startups, beginning his career with which would later exit for $60m in 2016.

George Skentzos

Head of Marketing & CX
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Vehicle Metrics

Vehicles per Customer

While flexibility is an attractive feature of car subscription, it's crucial for businesses to strike a balance between offering convenience and maintaining operational efficiency.

Vehicle Metrics

Average Subscription Value (ASV)

Average Subscription Value serves as an invaluable performance metric for car subscription businesses, offering insights into profitability, scalability, and customer satisfaction.

Performance Metrics

Recurring Revenue (ARR / MRR)

Recurring revenue, represented by ARR and MRR, is a vital KPI for car subscription businesses.

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